Sunday, July 12, 2015

How Can I Be The First To Get Cize?

The release of CIZE is almost here!!!

This is going to be HOT HOT HOT!!! I have been getting a ton of questions on WHERE and WHEN people can purchase CIZE!!!!  I know everyone is so excited but I'm even more excited to tell you that we are 4 days away from the launch of Beachbody's newest fitness program CIZE!!

Everyone!! I promise you- even if you CAN'T DANCE... this is still the program for you!! I am totally NOT A DANCER! I WISH I was but I could still do this program. Shaun T makes it REALLY fun and makes sure to break it down in very easy to follow steps. The best TIP for you- just try your best, don't over thin k the moves and HAVE FUN!! I'm actually confident that by doing this program over and over a few times that I might actually learn to be a good dancer ;) 

"Weight will start to go down, when you lose the baggage that's holding it up."-@ShaunTfitness

Cize is coming out in July and it could even be sooner than the originally specified date of July 20th! (Just one day before my Birthday!) So you definitely want to get on this list for the details.  I will be sending out an email with the package options and ordering details as soon as I am updated!  Plus you get exclusive access to my closed online Launch Group with Elite Coach support and accountability to help you rock out those results!!!

As a Coach, I had opportunity to try out not one but two of the Cize workouts - which are a lot of fun. I truly enjoyed laughing at myself on a daily basis!!!  I am SO glad and SO thankful that I get to do this workout in the comfort of my own home because ladies and gents, let me tell you, I am definitely that girl that thinks she can dance but when I catch a glimpse in the mirror I am shown otherwise. 

The nutrition plan is easy to follow and it uses the portion controlled container system to help you with nailing the portion sizes!  I have created 4 meal plans over the past 4 weeks that are specific to Cize that I am going to share in my upcoming Launch Group!

I am going to walk you through each workout, teach you how to make modifications, guide you through the program guide to make sure that you are doing the program correctly and my goal is to help you stay motivated, connected, supported and to give you recipes, tips and ideas so that you can truly get the most from the program!

80% of your results come from what you eat, so let me help you put the two together!!!

I'm accepting a limited number of people who are interested in this launch group!

What are the requirements?
The requirements to participate in this group is that you must be a customer of mine to participate.  If you do not have a Team Beachbody Coach you can create an account here: Create a Free Account So I can be your coach!

Each participant is required to get the Cize Package that includes the entire workout program, nutrition guide, DVDs, schedule of the workouts, plus the Shakeology and this comes in a package called a challenge pack with discounted shipping!  This gives you access to my exclusive Launch Group where you will get daily 1:1 mentoring from me and support from others just like you that are working towards crushing their health and fitness goals.  You will log in daily and receive tips from me plus daily accountability and support!

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  If so, please complete the application below ASAP and I will be in contact with you to add you to the group!!!

**This is not for those that are already coaches, please refrain from completing the application if you are already a Team Beachbody Coach.

If Cize sounds like a workout you would like to rock out to then I'm inviting you to get on the CIZE list today!

It could be released as early as the 15th of July! So don't wait, you don't want to miss out on the CIZE fun!!!


Lets do this!!!

SPECIAL OFFER:  Anyone who joins the CIZE Launch Group with A challenge pack will also be entered to win a Fixate Cookbook with 101 recipes that will fit perfectly into the CIZE nutrition plan to keep your meals easy, healthy and a no brainer when it comes to planning!

Join the Facebook Event Page For Even More Details and to Ask Questions:

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