Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Clean Eating When Eating at a Restaurant

Tips for sticking with clean eating when Eating Out at restaurants.

-Know before you go: Look at a restaurant’s menu online and use the myfitnesspal app to look up nutrition facts for most restaurant meals.

-Be the First to Order: Decide on a healthy option and don’t let others sway your decision.

-Have it your way: Don't be afraid to make special requests-substitute veggies for fries or ask to change the way chicken is prepared(baked vs. fried).

-Stay away from snacking: Particularly watch the free chips and salsa, bread and butter, or even ordering apps. Have the courage to ask the server to remove the freebies if it’s too hard to resist.

-Be salad savvy: Not all salads are created equal- watch for unhealthy dressings and toppings. Ask for dressing on the side and use the fork-dip method for cutting way back on extra calories in the dressing.

-Go low on sides: Go for steamed vegetables, brown rice or fresh fruit.

-Choose low-fat preparation methods: Grilled, broiled or baked meats and entrees. Broiled, baked, steamed, poached and grilled for seafood.

-Enjoy alcohol in moderation: Remember that fancy mixed drinks have lots of empty calories. Try holding off on alcohol until later in the meal.

-Practice portion control: Remember your hands are your best guide for determining portion size. Starchy carbs- one hand full, protein- the palm of your hand, complex carbs from fruits and veggies- 2 cupped hands together.

- Ask for doggy bags!

-Practice the three-bite rule: If you truly want dessert,try sharing with someone else (or one for the table) and limiting yourself to 3bites. It may be all you really wanted in the first place.

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